Beginner short story class
In-person every Thursday evening, June 9 - June 30 · 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (CET)
Have you always wanted to write a story, but never knew where to start? Or are you a writer who’s started many stories but never known how to finish?
If so, this is the class for you.
In this intensive, four-week course, we’ll look at the nuts and bolts of writing. We’ll discover what the essential components of a short story are and how you can use those elements to complete the story you want to write.
Course takeaways:
An overview of the essential craft elements used in 99.9% of the stories you read.
Writing prompts and short at-home assignments that will help you generate new, exciting writing.
Approaches you can use to complete full drafts of a story, and revise them into polished material.
Enthusiastic, in-depth feedback of your work that takes your approach to writing seriously.
This class is suitable for writers at any level.
Classes will be held at MOMA&CO at Bos en Lommerplantsoen 1b, 1055 AA, Amsterdam, NL. Instructions for attendance will be sent ahead of the first class.
Cost €200. Includes four 90-minutes classes and a one-hour 1:1 coaching section to work on your fiction, redeemable at any time.
Have questions about the class? Concerns? Interested in paying with iDeal if based in the Netherlands? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. I respond quickly and am here to help.